We knew it was coming. Unless the powers that be decide to change the laws that govern the switch from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time and back to Standard Time, etc., the change is inevitable. It happened last weekend and some are still grousing about it. Are you making excuses for your fatigue or lateness or lack of focus? Well, the best thing we can do is tell ourselves to “get over it.” Are you one of those folks who like to shrug and say, “it is what it is?” If so, say it to yourself and move one.

Personally I dislike fall. I have usually seen autumn as the marker of kids going back to school (I always hated that) and the time when I must settle down and be more diligent about work.

True, during the summer months work does not go away. But it seems different. In the fall I am scattered, unfocused, missing my structured cycling training and subsequent events and competitions to anticipate. I feel adrift.

In my Yoga class, I learned about VATA. Oh man, that’s me. Now I must learn what to do about it.

When I set the clock back I know it’s time to get serious about winter. Because my day starts early, I do not lose an hour of light; I find it at the beginning of the day instead of the end. (Perhaps you, too, could rise an hour earlier. Trust me, the autumn sunrise is a sight worth getting up for. And pausing for.)

I once read about an ultra distance runner who knew she was going to hurt, that the miles and the hills would cause her pain. It was inevitable. So she turned the tables and looked forward to the onset of the discomfort. She embraced it when it arrived and ran with it, no longer needing to fear or anticipate it.

Perhaps we can do the same. We know each day will become shorter and shorter. Now there’s no denying it has arrived and we can stop worrying. We can embrace these days that are bookended by light and a frequently extraordinary sunset as well.

An abundance of sunlight can be taken for granted, while a few bright hours are treasured. Clear night skies remind us that darkness is not all that bad. Whether from a mountain top or out the kitchen window, the harvest moon is striking.

Outdoor activities become an adventure in the dark. (Reminder: always practice safety habits, use lights and wear reflective clothing. Preferably go out in groups of two or more and be sure to be alert and predictable.)

Last winter I challenged you and my friends and clients to a “full moon adventure” each full moon of the 2015 calendar year. Did you take the challenge? There’s time left, you know.

Somehow Standard Time (and in our case EST) triggers reorganization. How many of you visit your medical care provider for your annual physical in and around November? And if you have done so already, did you notice the positive effects that your active lifestyle and good nutrition have had on your physical exam and the test numbers that indicate a healthy body?

If not, let this year’s return to EST mark the beginning of reorganizing your days, weeks and months to promote your personal and individual well-being.

The big three: exercise, diet and sleep, must be in balance. An active life is not a hectic life; it is one with intentional exercise and a defined goal in mind. Such exercise would include strength, aerobic exercise, balance, coordination, flexibility, specific sports or training skills and an appropriate body composition.

Exercise is positive unless it tips the scales to compulsive behaviors and addiction.

An active lifestyle is also intuitive and ready to join in any fun that might present itself. It is a life capable of endurance, but needing the time to refuel and rest.

EST validates exploration of indoor hours as well; hours to read, to write and to spend quality time with family and friends.

So here we are. Next stop – Winter Solstice. If all else fails, just remember that in only 37 days daylight will be on the increase.