I am Linda Freeman. I live in the beautiful state of Vermont. My work is all about fitness – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Full Moon Hike, Bolton, Tara Dugan
Welcome to my website. Here you will find shared information, positivity, encouragement and connection. You will read words that promote living life to the fullest in the best ways possible relevant to individual and personal environments and capabilities. I will share my own thoughts and actions in hope that you might find a way to reframe your own experience to promote self-awareness, gratitude and joy.
What you will NOT find is anything particularly new or momentous. I borrow from the work that others much smarter than me have done. I pass along bits and pieces of insight highlighted by my yellow marker as I read and work with words that are meaningful to me. Words like: receptive, bold, courageous, playful, optimistic, kind, curious, willing and mindful.

To summit real and perceived peaks
This year, 2025, I will work with the word MOBILITY. Yes, it is a buzzword in the world of strength, fitness, sports – you name it. But the concept of MOBIITY can be expanded to include my significant four: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. MOBILITY extends beyond flexibility – though, of course, flexibility is excellent. MOBILITY suggests having the strength, stamina, power, resilience, stability and yes, flexibility to move through a wide ROM (range of motion) of the body (muscles, joints, fascia, etc) as well as of the mind and of each individual’s personal experience. When our beliefs are challenged, our fortitude tested or our bodies exhausted, can we continue to move safely and soundly through our experience? It is my personal and professional goal to help us to do so by sharing what I have experienced and learned as well as brilliant guidance from others.

Morning Practice
This year I urge us each to adopt a morning practice, dedicate time each day to fitness, adhere to the principle of progressive overload as we strengthen our precious muscles, step outside our comfort zones, experience new things, nurture enthusiasm and positivity, read words of wisdom or words that make us think our own thoughts and form our own conclusions, eat well, sleep well, practice self-care in its highest and most accessible form, get outdoors daily no matter the weather, connect with friends, honor family, and incorporate modest amounts of breath work into each day learning to reduce stress and to be, according to Thich Nhat Hanh, present. Oh my, this list could go on and on!
I am a Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor. A list of my professional certifications and credentials is long and boring. I am particularly grateful that in recent years I have participated intensively in many forms of Yoga and Strength training. Though I am RYT500, I continually participate in trainings and workshops so that I can teach the best of the best. I am continuously inspired and challenged by my colleagues and teachers.

Hiking with Sophie and Lizzie
I teach classes and work with clients on Zoom and, in special situations, in person. My love of exercise and training underpins all that I do and share. So, be warned! I love the outdoors and spend hours daily in the woods and mountains, on trails and country roads – always with my beloved labs, Sophie and Lizzie, who insist that I take care of all of us by so doing. A former road cyclist, I now find my way each day to my Peloton bike.
Finally, but also primarily, I am a family person. I am Mama Bear with two families of cubs, and oh so fortunate to have my children and grandchildren living just an hour away. Family is paramount. It is the very definition of connection, love, care and selflessness.
Come journey with me through the pages of my website; connect, and live beautifully.