Seasons’ Greetings. What does that actually mean? How does the season in which you navigate through your days affect your body, mind and spirit? And what in the world is going on? I shared the following on FB recently but can’t get it out of my head – actually not a bad thing – so am sharing it again:
“Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.” (
This particular December is packed with overlapping seasonal dates. As I write this, Winter Solstice has happened and now, thankfully, the short days are magically lengthening, even if by small increments. On the 21st I joined family and friends around a blazing bonfire with starry sky overhead and darkly lit woods behind. What a way to greet the solstice!
At one time I was warmly welcomed into a community that celebrated Hanukkah with devotion and enthusiasm. December 22nd, Hanukkah begins, a tradition I continue to respect and honor. December 24 is Christmas Eve, a day that means different things to different people.

I treasure this tiny Nativity (not 2″ high) carried home in a backpack by my daughter whose first semester abroad was spent in France, returning home just in time to celebrate Christmas.
As a child, Christmas Eve meant staying awake for a midnight church service and returning home to the tree where I was allowed to open one present before going to bed. As a parent the Eve of Christmas morning meant waiting until the kids were asleep and then staying up most of the night putting things together or stealthily suggesting that Santa had arrived with more stuff than could possibly fit down the chimney. And, of course, as a Christian, paying homage to the origins of the holy day.
Now, with adult children, Christmas Day is rich with significance. Refusing to let one sad thought enter my mind, I dredge up delightful memories and plunge headlong into sleepovers with my grandkids and fun-filled activities with my big kids. (always allowing them to do the cooking – I continue to hate to cook!)
Then on the 26th there’s Kwanzaa. Frankly, I know little about this holiday but feel deeply about multiculturalism, diversity and the unification of the many who live in our country.
But I DO know something about December 31st, a day to pull out all sorts of “re” words – resolve, renew, reflect, reorganize, reevaluate, regenerate, reset – please add on as many as you can!
There are two “re” words that have recently been highlighted for me and I share them here.
RECEIVE. As human beings, whether parent, care-giver, teacher, snow remover, sales person, medical care provider, trash hauler, pet sitter, you name it, we give, and we do so according to our personal commitment. Rarely do we allow ourselves to receive. A few weeks ago at a training at Kripalu, in each of the Vinyasa classes I joined, at the final pose, Savasana, we were invited to find stillness and to RECEIVE. Once planted, I have been watching that seed grow and invite you to do the same.
RELATIONSHIP. One of my favorite writers, Eugene Peterson, passed not that long ago. Speaking of his father, one of his son’s suggested that Peterson preached only one message – about RELATIONSHIP. So, I plant yet another seed and watch it grow. I observe relationship continuously. I try to practice relationship from my heart. RELATIONSHIP is a very large word.
So today, perhaps SEASONS’ GREETINGS is, in fact, the appropriate sentiment. I greet you in relationship and wish for you to receive peace, goodness, love.
May 2020 be a year of insight (with 2020 vision?) and action. May it be a year in which we, and those with whom we share this planet, enjoy enough and participate in the care and unity of all.