Move forward with optimism, positivity and energy but be alert for tricks and trip-ups along the way. Am I talking about life? About trail running? About business? About spirituality?
Actually, what prompts this post is an offhand comment I made this morning when I said “April is a perfect month.” Then, as so often happens, I wonder why I said that and have been thinking about it all day. So, here I am at my computer and asking you for your thoughts as well.
Look. Any month that begins with April Fool’s Day can’t be burdensome or serous. One source describes the month as capricious. I like that word, don’t you? Sounds like a bit of fun.
I don’t know about you, but I think one of the best parts of anything wonderful is the anticipation. When we were kids, we would approach a birthday with such high anticipation and then crumble on the other side when it became history. Looking forward to a celebration, outing, trip (we’ll get there again; be patient) or athletic pursuit is often more exciting and perhaps even more profound than the event itself and perhaps that which underpins what ultimately become memories.
“April showers bring May flowers.” Yes, well, perhaps not in New England, but we do seem to be able to garden earlier each year. It seems that the word April comes from a Latin word that means to open. That makes sense. And then there’s the thought that the month is named after the goddess Aphrodite. Diamonds and daisies, blue skies and yellow daffodils, longer days and maybe shorts. Even Shakespeare adds to the clout of April when he says: “April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.” (Sonnet XCVIII) What’s not to love?
And another thing – some note that April is about moving forward. We are leaving cold and mud behind and heading into what, for some of us, is our favorite season. Again, anticipation is to be valued. Each year, to my utter surprise, I realize (sometime in July) that the Summer Solstice has come and gone and that the days are, indeed, getting shorter. Here I am, mid-summer, expecting the daylight to go on and on. But now, here in April, we can look forward to the lengthening of each day for another 2+ months. What a gift!
We do not wait; we move and we move forward. We spring clean, we detox, and we even take another look at our diet/budget twins. We pack away our winter clothes, comforters and skis as we happily unpack lighter wear, bicycles and running shoes.
If we pause, and take a really good look at what we see and how we feel, we may note that we see the opening up – not just of our community following long months of pandemic restrictions – but the opening up of our expectations, hopes and plans. We open our windows and we open our hearts. We inhale fresh air and exhale doubt; inhale boldness and exhale timidity; inhale possibilities and exhale fear; inhale generosity and exhale parsimony.
April is, after all, a month of contradictions that entice us forward with a spring in our steps and hold us back with an unexpected snowfall. April is about the beginning of the kind of inertia that consistently moves onward, not the stodgy old stagnant inertia deeply sloppy mud season.

As soon as the ice melts, jump in!
And though April keeps us guessing, it also encourages the pursuit of equilibrium. We are reminded that things don’t just happen, but that we must seek them. We must seek our own balance, generate our own energy and invite the Yin in our lives to integrate, not compete, with the Yang.
So yes, I think April is a perfect month. It is a month of excitement, renewal and delicate beauty.
If, however, you want more, just be sure to find your own way to celebrate the full Pink Moon on the 26th. Based on previous moons, this one is special, one of only two supermoons of 2021. Look forward, make a plan, execute your plan, and step out in full awareness of what this month has to offer. It is, indeed, perfect.