Mt Abe Summit 2022
Happy Fourth of July. This morning I celebrated the day by hiking, with my fabulous Sophie, to summit nearby Mt Abe, appropriately named for President Abraham Lincoln. As I walked the beautiful trails and climbed the challenging rocks and ledges, I was often deep In thought about the significance of this day – in history and today. Coincidentally I have only a few pages left to read in Courage is Calling by Ryan Holiday, and my mind wandered to what I have been reading and learning. Politically right, left or center, we all have opportunities to wring our hands in dismay these days. But it was when a young adult told me she could not in good faith celebrate our country on this day, I was challenged to find ways in which I could do so. Perverse? Perhaps, but I’m usually up for a challenge.
So I will suggest the same to each of you, my friends. Has there ever been a time in history when someone somewhere wasn’t afraid for his or her country? Do we think Abe had it any easier? My daughter’s favorite history teacher taught what she dubbed the “spiral theory of history.” So it seems. If all we do is wring our hands, complain, or sit it out, Ryan Holiday would have some words of advice for us – strong words paraphrased from The Stoics.
So today I celebrate my family and my community. I celebrate those who have the courage to question; those who define their beliefs and values and then stand up for them. I celebrate those who reach out to the less fortunate and I celebrate those who put words into action. I celebrate those who refuse to simply accept, “it is what it is.” Furthermore, I celebrate those who do so without violence.
As I continued to make my way deliberately (that’s another word for slowly!) up the roughly 2,000’ climb, I found snippets of thought passing through my mind to support my celebratory experience. And so, I am able to wish you and yours a Happy Fourth of July.
Bring on the fireworks!
