Sunrise Qoahog Bay Harpswell Maine August 2024
One cannot read the words “Sunrise, sunset …” without hearing the melody from Fidler on the Roof (if, of course, one is familiar with the musical). The words of lyricist Sheldon Harnick are both melancholic and eternally true.
“Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze.
Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears.”
Indeed, as I write this short post, I am astonished that it is already September, sunflowers are prolific, and the days are flying by, “one season following another.”

Sophie, sharing the view from the deck with me – with interest!
Rather than share my every thought, I encourage you, my friend, to pause a moment to observe your next sunrise and see what thoughts float into your consciousness.
And then, perhaps, deliberately plan a little outing to the best possible place to follow the progress of a setting sun. When there are landmarks, like a treeline on the opposite shore, the progress of the setting is surprisingly rapid. Furthermore, it is always interesting to note that some of the most vivid colors follow the disappearance of the sun from sight, the afterglow. Does this tell us something about life’s experiences?
In any event, perhaps you might follow the process in the series of pics posted below. Enjoy. And do pause to reflect on your own Sunrise and Sunset.

Sunset at Lookout Point Harpswell Maine August 2024