Category Archives: Fitness


GET OFF THE TREADMILL AND HIT THE DIRT:  Gotta run. That’s us. Always in a hurry. In fact, that sense of urgency surfaces in one definition of the verb run, to “move about in a hectic or hurried way.”

Then there’s “moving at a speed faster than a walk, never having both feet on the ground at the same time;” or even running for political office. (google search)

There are wonderful quotes about running as a metaphor for life and how life is a marathon and not a sprint. Running clubs proliferate, as does running- specific gear, books and even movies. Running is touted as the best possible form of exercise. Running is dissed as the worst possible exercise.

To run is cheap (except for running shoes), requires no special equipment (except for running shoes and a water bottle), and, as Christopher McDougall and Bruce Springsteen say so eloquently, we are all “Born to Run.”

That being said, running and any or all repetitive sports and activities place a strain on the body. Good form and intelligent management help to reduce the potential for overuse injuries.

One way to enhance the running experience is to get off the treadmill, leave the pavement, and head for dirt. Running on country roads or trails is good for the joints and good for the spirit. What’s more, unless you get distracted and fall over a root or stub your toe on a rock, you add to the experience a substantial element of safety.

TRAIL RUNNING:  Trail running begs definition. At, there is this: “And so, you step off a road, into the wilderness, single track, double track…whatever, you are a trail runner. If there is some form of raw earth underneath, you are a trail runner. The rest is personal. It can be competitive. It can be spiritual. It can be for body or for mind. Whatever it is, trail running is yours.”

From newest newbie to gnarly veteran, trail runners approach each run as something new and different, an experience that supersedes the workout. There is no wrong way to go.

In 2014, Jeff Galloway, Olympic runner, coach and prolific writer, added his book, Trail Running, to the mix. While there may be no “wrong” way, there are better ways to enjoy and grow in the sport.

As is popular to do these days, Gallway begins a chapter with the words, “We are hard-wired to be trail animals.” More important than the action is the journey itself, the social component, the variety, the joy of getting away and into the natural world.

As always, Gallway espouses his walk-run training recommendation, a technique that works particularly well on the trail.

Often one finds runners obsessed with heart rate, pace, training plans and negative splits. On the trail, a runner is just as likely to find sprints fired by terrain or pause for a beautiful view, something a seriously training road runner might not do. Furthermore, trail running is not always about speed. Conversely, the racer who cross-trains on the trail will find that doing so shaves time off the paved events.

While Gallway discusses finding venues from Rail Trails to parks and hikes, he also shares advice on gear (do you really need to buy trail running shoes?), skills, training plans and injuries.

Safety precautions are the same as any other outdoor sports. Layer for changing weather conditions, pack fuel and water and wear sunscreen. Do carry a cell phone, but also tell someone where you are going and your estimated time of return. Better yet, run with a partner. Know about where you are going. Stay alert and keenly aware of your step and your surroundings. Do not allow yourself to become overtired or underfed or dehydrated. Plan a run that matches your fitness level or is designed to help you improve safely.

Whatever your trail running expertise or experience may be, you might want to check out a great little book published this year: TRAILHEAD, The Dirt on all Things Trail Running, by Lisa Jhung. Small enough to fit in your pack, it is large on information, helpful tips and humor.

While you may know that running typically results in a higher level of fitness, did you know that trail running , because of varied terrain, is both more forgiving and more challenging to a wider variety of muscles, ligaments and tendons than running on a flat surface? Even your core is more fully engaged when navigating the twists and turns, ups and downs, of the trail, as well as balance and coordination tested.

Running, partly due to the consistent rhythmic nature of repetition, smooths and soothes stress. Trail running adds the mental, emotional and spiritual elements of nature.

Since trail running is often termed “natural,” it follows that when you’re out there on the trail, communing with nature, you need also respect her.

Learn to adapt to and deal with rain, snow, wind, heat, cold, bugs, poisonous plants, wildlife and sun. Adjust your pace, stay focused and on course.

Run with your friends, run with your dog, respect trail etiquette. Finish your run better for having spent another day on the trail.

ULTRAS:  In recent years, unable to want more, runners have transitioned from marathons on pavement to distance events on trails and ultimately to multi-mile, multi-day ultra-distance events. Ultra runners are a breed apart. They embrace pain, ooze grit and define determination and survival. It’s not pretty, but it works for them. The rest of us read about their struggles, applaud their success (which is ultimately all about finishing), and revere their accomplishments.

Remember back in July when Vermont was about as wet as it gets? During the soggiest of days Scott Jurek, ultra icon, was slogging his way through our state on the Appalachian Trail, on his way to significantly breaking the previous record for fastest thru-hike. Jurek and his support team began his run from Springer Mountain, Georgia. Averaging 50 miles a day, the 41 year old Jurek traveled 2,189 miles in 46 day and a touch over 8 hours. He crossed 14 states with elevation changes of 515,000’ and finally kissed his wife at the top of Mt. Katahdin in the early afternoon of Sunday, July 12th.

In 2012, Jurek’s book Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness was released. Maybe he’ll write another one, give himself a break.

Moving beyond the press-grabbing Jurek and Karnasez and their ilk, close to home, we find the Vermont 100 Endurance Race. This event is one of the original 100-mile runs in the USA and a part of the Grand Slam Series of Ultrarunning. It’s hilly, of course, and though the route includes back roads and trails, running under a 30-hour cut-off leaves little time to sightsee.

Do ultras signal the running elite or simply those who have the tenacious resolve to always reach beyond where they are? If you can run a 5k road race, must your goal be a marathon? If you can enjoy an hour or so running a trail with your dog or your friends, are you failing if you decide against an ultra?

One thing is clear, however: running on dirt is here to stay. Each year more runners, walkers and hikers become part of the larger community of trail runners, those who choose to exercise, tour, visit, or race off road.

Furthermore, a second thing is clear. Vermont offers a smorgasbord of unpaved roads, trails, single track, technical, climbing, hiking, privately owned, community and state supported, drop-dead beautiful trails on which to run. More likely than not, you, too, can become one, a trail runner.


Because trail running is fun, you will be more inclined to repeat the experience.

Trail running shoes may, in fact, be worth the purchase as they often offer more stability, better traction, more sidewall protection and toe bumpers (you will, after all, stub your toe).

Wear what works for you. There’s no stylin’ on the trail.

Rocky, rutted, overgrown, snow, ice, mud – know the conditions and plan for them. (preferably stay off muddy trails, but if you find yourself on one, run through the middle and not the sides)

Always pack food, water, layers, light and that sometimes invaluable cell phone. If you’re in bear country, carry bear spray (and know how to use it). Remember that bears are climbers so don’t waste your energy climbing a tree.

Interesting fact: your dog, running off leash in bear country, might attract a bear and lead it back you.

Speaking of wildlife, a common denominator seems to be to remain calm and never turn your back and run away.

Here is Vermont you might come across a moose or multiple moose (the plural of moose, that is).

Jhung writes:“They are not particularly interested in humans, but if a moose feels threatened or is trying to protect its calf, it may charge. (It’s the hooves you need to worry about, not the antlers.) They don’t want to eat you as they’re herbivores, and besides, many moose attacks are bluffs. “Do not,” however, “stand your ground. Just get the heck out of there.”

Ticks present an increasing risk of Lyme disease. Check carefully for ticks after each run and, if found, remove the tick properly. (You might want to keep the tick in a Ziploc for future reference if you become ill.) Be sure your dog is well protected.See your veterinarian.

Trail etiquette is mostly about courtesy and thinking of the other guy. There are a few basic quasi-rules:

Bikers yield to just about everyone including pedestrians and horses.

Mountain bikers and trail runners yield to walkers, equestrians, rock climbers, families, birders and the like.

Sometimes it’s just a matter of being nice: “Older couples holding hands on trails,” Jhung writes, “should always have the right of way.” (Yeah, right, if an older couple is still holding hands, they deserve the right of way.)

Momentum is a factor either needing to remain in constant motion to make it up the hill, or traveling downward when stopping is difficult. Defer.

Passing requires mutual cooperation. If you know someone would like to pass, make it easier for him or her if you can. If you are the one wanting to pass, don’t surprise the party ahead but generate some sound or a few words. Though we are taught to shout out “on your left,” this could be abrasive so use with care.

Finally, preserve the trail that you are using by not “rearranging nature” or taking it with you. Don’t feed wildlife, stray off the designated path or leave even your energy bar wrapper behind.

Of course your trail running experience will be more enjoyable if you have trained properly. And if you train well, you may decide to enter some of the many trail-racing events held annually throughout the state.

Jhung concludes: “If you raced, any distance, any type of course, congratulations. Be proud.

“And if you didn’t race but enjoy your non-racing miles on trails, congratulations. Be proud.

You’re a trail runner.”

This story appeared on the Active Vermont page of the Rutland Herald & Times Argus, Sunday, August 16, 2015, by Linda Freeman.


Marc Bourgoin, CEO, Lincoln Canoe & Kayak, asked me for a recommendation for the wonderful, snappy little Quoddy Light LV kayak that I own and love.  Here it is – with pleasure.

Quoddy Lite Lincoln KayakAs I segued from equestrian sports to skiing and, when single-parent finances dictated, to running, it never occurred to me to try a water sport. Then came surgery that stole my running shoes. So if I was to be permanently grounded, I’d try water.

My first boat was a plastic tub that served only to get my attention. I traded up, really up. A friend in the business found me a great deal on an elegant Epic18. She was beautiful, swift and, though light, a pain for me to maneuver on land or to the roof of my car. But I was hooked and even dreamed dreams of joining a local recreational racing group.

That was 6 years ago. In the interim I fell in love again, this time with road cycling. Normally I am a one-sport woman, but I have learned the perfect formula – dedicated training hours on my bike balanced by any extra hours I can find to paddle.

I have finally acquired the perfect bike and absolutely the best kayak for me, a low profile Quoddy Light.

It all began when, on vacation, I met Marc Bourgoin in Freeport, Maine. I wanted to test the local waters and he sent me out with a Quoddy Light. In fact, he wanted to share his love for a Chebeague, but once I had paddled the Quoddy Light, I was snared.

Why? My Epic was serious. I am serious. Paddling the Quoddy Light made me laugh out loud. The day I tested it, the wind was up and the boat should have been unstable. It was not.

Mind you, I am small, not brave or super strong or highly skilled. I am also a grandmother. But in that boat, on that day, I sliced through wind and waves that should have alarmed me. Instead I returned wet, salty and exhilarated. So much from so little.

It didn’t make sense. Anyone knows you should paddle at least a 16’ boat if you want performance and stability, right? Wrong.

The fun I had that day haunted me. Bottom line? Marc was patient. Finally I let go of my beloved Epic. The sale made the new owner very happy and financed my new, custom built Quoddy Light.

Each and every boat that comes out of the Lincoln factory is meticulously finished and embodies a spirit, a personality, of its own. The lucky ones are those of us who connect with our boat. I love mine. She rides on top of my X-Trek along with my bike. I can go anywhere and ride on land or water. These two are my friends, my training partners, my playmates. And we trust each other. We fit. We work hard and celebrate big. We live life the way it is meant to be lived.

Who knows, maybe someday there will be room in my “stable” for a Seguin. But whatever, it will be a boat built by Lincoln, maybe even by Rusty himself.




Joey Adams, metabolic specialist and esteemed athletic coach, contributed the following to ‘ACTIVE VERMONT’ on March 29, 2015. Read on:

The pursuit of fitness has varying “rules”. Do this, try this, don’t do this, eat this, not this. Yet, where is the fun in any of that – in following someone’s dogma? So, without being dogmatic, I’d like to start with the concept of FUN in re-defining the pursuit of fitness.

When I think of the concept of fun, and the creation of my F rules (Fun-Focus-Flow-Fit-Form-Fuel-Fitness to avoid Fooey!) in pursuing fitness, I always use fun as the litmus test. As a true Vermonter, I think of Ben and Jerry and their famous quote, “if it is not fun, why do it?”

I then immediately think of the experience of watching my own children at play and now pursuing their own fitness passions. I’m captivated by their total immersion in their sports. It LOOKS like fun. You can see it on their faces and in their bodies’ expression.

So I offer you this, when it stops being fun, when you don’t look forward to your wellness pursuit in whatever form, it is time to stop and change course, shake it up, try something new. Get outside, try a new sport, take a new class, dance, move, play, create!

Chris Cover, 3-28-2015, having fun on the bike, Ironman 70.3, Oceanside, CA.

Chris Cover, 3-28-2015, having fun on the bike, Ironman 70.3, Oceanside, CA.

Even if you can’t do it YET, the key is a growth mindset. You can always learn, evolve and grow. It is in these moments that one can experience what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi called FLOW. This is the moment of the autotelic experience, or of being immersed in the moment, a zen-like experience.

Eckhart Tolle would call it the “Power of Now” (1997). It is those experiences one has in the pursuit of a passion, of a time warp, where one loses the sense of time.

So if you’re working out and you find yourself looking at the clock, it is time to go back to the first F rule, time for some FUN. But, if you’re experiencing flow on a regular basis, move to the next F rule.

FIT. Your stuff has got to fit you. This comes down to EVERY contact point that your body makes with the ground or gravity or friction. I cannot tell you how many people who, when asked where they got their shoes, equipment, etc., and how they chose it, answered: “I got it online, it was a good color, or I thought it was the right one.” Inappropriate equipment leads to a path of injury through one’s endeavor. When a foot strike is wrong, a bike too big, or even a yoga mat too slippery, injuries and setbacks are waiting to happen.

This is where it makes sense to go to a local vendor, do research and spend time checking out what is right for you and your unique body.

For example, most running shoe fittings can take an hour or two to ensure you’ve got the right shoe (and the left one too). The clinician should have you run in multiple shoes on a treadmill and even do a video analysis to ensure proper fit that will enhance proper form.

Any equipment you buy should come with a warranty. If it doesn’t work for you, within reason, your provider should help you find what will and make the appropriate exchange.

Assuming things FIT, you’re now ready to work on FORM. Form is simply how you move in your endeavors. Do you move well, or are there imbalances? If you are a creature of the 21st century, you likely sit a lot, or have a job or life-demands that strengthen one part of the body over another. (I think about all those times I carried my kids around on one hip while doing something else with the other hand. Ouch.) It all adds up and translates to poor form caused by body asymmetries that derail your training. In addition, when you exercise, if you go at it too hard, you tend to favor strengths rather than addressing weaknesses, which in turn exacerbates weaknesses.

Think of the cognitive demands of Tai Chi, dance or any activity that requires precise form (which in actuality is everything, if done well).

Often the movement patterns developed as a basis, for the aforementioned activities, are done with slow movements first, adding on more complex patterns once those are mastered and then adding speed. So why start to sprint when you could walk, jog and then run?

It is during the slow pace that there is cognitive space to think about form. When I workout hard, form is the first thing to go; I’m just trying to survive. The body will follow the mind, not the other way around. A thought elicits a body response. We can be the masters of our thoughts and thus our movement and reactions.

F rules build a foundation, and now that you’ve grasped these, you’re ready for FUEL, repeatedly mistaken as the first rule. When people come to me for a metabolic test, they often think they have a slow metabolism. I’ve been assessing people’s metabolism for over a decade. In all that time I’ve tested less than three people (out of thousands) with slow metabolism, and those people were on very restrictive diets, unfortunately starving themselves fat.

For most people the key to weight management is to eat enough, eat early and often. Eat like a king or queen in the morning (it is called break-fast for a reason), a prince or princess in the afternoon (why the midday meal is biggest in many cultures), and a pauper in the evening (circadian rhythm slows and the body favors storing evening calories as fat).

The other concept to FUEL is to eat during exercise. Depending on your activity and intensity, if you know you’re going to exercise for more than 60-75 minutes, you need to eat 200-300 calories per hour. Too often I work with people who forget to eat during an event or workout and then pay the price towards the end.

Finally, after quantity and timing, remember to refuel post exercise. We are primal people, just a little better dressed than our paleolithic ancestors. But, at that stage of ancestral development we were either running to get food or running from being food according to the Paleo Diet for Athletes (even though I would argue no cookbooks survived from that time). Research supports eating within one half hour post exercise. It doesn’t have to be a lot; it could be a balanced meal as simple as fruit and nuts.

Fuel and timing help build the new, better, stronger you. Isn’t that one of the reasons why you do what you do?

Your F rules are in line. You’ve mastered and embraced FUN. You’ve discovered FOCUS that led to FLOW. Your gear finally FITS because of the guiding hands and eyes of a specialist. Your FORM is impeccably evolving and you are continually vigilant. You honor your FUEL needs. You have created a deeper FITNESS FOUNDATION.

The other choice, when any F gets out of balance is to just say Fooey (you could put in your favorite F word), but there’s good news. You then go back to FUN and start again, maybe in a new direction. When I was out of balance, I found yoga and meditation in my arsenal and I’m sure I will discover other fun things in my future.

Wishing you miles of smiles down your personal road to wellness, balance and peace…and as always, lots of fun!

Joey Adams, M.S. Exercise Science, Intelligent Fitness, Metabolic Specialist, VO2 assessments and performance analysis,, “Getting workouts on target and making your time count.”



MEET JOEY ADAMS: Joey Adams, who has an M.S. in Exercise Science from Colorado State, is a Metabolic Specialist.  “I specialize in assessing human performance and metabolism to help people make the most of their time by understanding their unique physiology,” Adams said. “My end game is to help people understand how their body works with the time and skills available to them.” Adams, who lives in Shelburne, travels throughout New England to test.

Meeting with Adams, one recognizes that there is more to his work than a job description. Adams finds a way to connect the nuts and bolts of training and teaching with the essence of humanity. For example, Adams teaches at Shelburne Community School and Champlain College where he  “aspires to inspire kids to question everything around them, including authority, and prove everything they know so they can become the masters of their future.”

In his personal life, Adams is a devoted family man and generously dedicated to his students. “I’m an evolving compartmentalizer,” Adams said, “and stay true to my personal mission statement: Be true to myself, my family, and my students. Be present in each moment. Accept that I am human and try my best every day. In doing so I have the ability to create positive change.”

New research, new studies explained and books written, tout the importance of the mind-body connection to personal health and individual performance. Adams has ridden the crest of this wave. “For the past 5 years, the mind-body connection has been the driver for me,” Adams said. “This goes back to my earlier years working with corporate wellness. So many people think of their body as a vehicle to move their head from meeting to meeting rather than the interconnectedness between them.”

Adams prioritizes sleep hygiene as part of daily health and well-being. He practices yoga and meditation each several times a week, trains balance and functional movement, follows a vegan diet and lifestyle and the guidance of a naturopath. As a vegan he believes “that small changes than an individual makes can have a bit of global impact.”

These practices dovetail perfectly with the physical part of the equation and Adam’s expertise as a multi-sport athlete including cycling, cross-country skiing, skating… “ There’s not a sport I don’t love,” he said. “Currently it’s following my kids’ interests.”

Adams practices what he teaches and learns. By living an active lifestyle he relates to his students who yearn for more and to his clients who bring their hearts as well as bodies to the quest for higher performance. He models what he coaches and digs deep into mental and physical components of competition as well as daily life.                                [by – Linda Freeman]

Nutrition Must Be An Integral Part of Training

Nutrition and Training go hand in hand to produce health and performance. In my role as a writer, and as field editor of the ACTIVE VERMONT page of each Sunday’s Rutland Herald & Times Argus, I am privileged to meet experts and fellow participants in the active life we share in Vermont. It is my pleasure to introduce you to one of the best, Kim Evans of Whole Health Nutrition in Williston, Vermont. 

Below is my introduction of Kim as well as her writing on nutrition and the athlete. Both stories appeared in ACTIVE VERMONT, 3-1-2015.

Kimberly Evans, MS, RD, co-owner of Peak Physical Therapy Sports and Performance Center and Whole Health Nutrition

Kimberly Evans, MS, RD, co-owner of Peak Physical Therapy Sports and Performance Center and Whole Health Nutrition

Meet Kimberly Evans, dancer, athlete, business owner, mother of five and generous friend. Professionally, Evans is a registered dietitian whose continuing quest for knowledge gives her depth in specialized areas of sports nutrition, functional medicine and integrative nutrition.

Often introduced as a sports and wellness nutritionist, Evans teaches and lives her belief that “Food should be friend, fuel and fun.” To Evans, it’s all about the “power of nutrition meeting the pleasure of eating.”

Evans spent her early years in Michigan, living in New York City and Pennsylvania as well. “I’m a person who likes change,” she said. One summer, Evans came to Vermont to hike and fell in love with the state. A 1998 return visit sealed the deal. It was Halloween and a stroll along Church Street in downtown Burlington with everyone dressed up in costumes provided the final nudge for a move here in 1999. “It stuck,” Evans said. “The more I travel and the more I see, I realize that Vermont is a special place.”

Talking with Evans, one becomes aware of the juxtaposition of care with knowledge, theory with practice, composure with passion and the desire to reach to the center of another’s needs. “Vermont has allowed me to develop myself as a professional in the world of health and wellness.” In her chosen field, Evans is required to maintain her accreditation as a registered dietitian with rigorous continuing education layered on top of her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in psychology and health care administration.

“I’m a person who loves to learn,” Evans said. As an RD, she is tasked to continually develop. Evans would have it no other way. What makes the academic practical for Evans is her personal history of movement, sports and an active lifestyle.

Evans began to dance at the age of 3 and didn’t stop until 37 years later. “Because I was a dancer, I wasn’t allowed to run,” she said. “I was always that kid in high school who couldn’t run a mile, always a ‘bun head’.” As soon as the dance chapter of her life closed, the running chapter opened. Perhaps the discipline of dance, the order, the attention to form and technique, the willingness to put in hours of practice, helped transform Evans into a runner and a cyclist. Evans now claims that she is not an adrenaline junkie, but wants to “role-model for her children and her community.” She does so, and well.

Evans is indeed passionate about her family, community, work and clients. More significantly, she embraces a deep feeling of responsibility with respect to her own health and body, and shares that sense of responsibility with others in pursuit of health and well-being as well as performance. “Eat well and move your body,” she said. “You are what you eat.” Be responsible, honor emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.

Evans is co-owner (since 2010) of Whole Health Nutrition in South Burlington, as well as Peak Physical Therapy Sports and Performance Center in Williston. “I am excited to be a part of an integrated wellness practice,” she said. “The model is exciting. We wrap a team around people striving to reach their goals.”

Welcome Kimberly Evans to the “Active Vermont” page. She will periodically share insights on relevant topics of nutrition related to recreational and competitive sports as well as individual pursuit of balance, strength, health and vibrant daily life.

FUEL FOR THOUGHT. Active people need to include nutrition in their training.

Eating can be complicated. Let’s face it, there are almost as many opinions about nutrition as there are people who eat. That’s a lot of opinions. Eating to fuel athletic performance can be even more confusing. Think about it. Where, as an athlete or an active person, did you learn about nutrition specific to fueling your activity? Do you have set fueling practices? If you are like many athletes that I know the answer would be ‘no.’

Typically, when an athlete comes into my office, they often have a detailed plan about their workouts and training, and gadgets to support the plan. Yet when I ask them about their nutrition plan, I get a blank look. Nutrition is simply overlooked. Here is the thing. Whether you are an endurance athlete or a recreational athlete, a newly active person or an experienced competitor, your nutrition practices need to be at least 50 percent of your training effort.

Proper fueling increases lean body mass, making strong performance more attainable. Regularly adhering to good nutritional practices helps to reduce the risk of injury while shortening recovery time between exercise and managing hormones, such as cortisol, associated with exercise.

Meeting nutritional goals translates to meeting training and sports performance goals. When performance declines, there can be several reasons, such as lack of sleep, overtraining or inadequate fuel. Nutrition supports the mental and emotional aspects of sports performance as well. Fueling appropriately keeps your head “in the game,” improves mood and helps prevent fatigue.

But here’s a favorite reason to underpin your playing, training or competing with good nutrition: You have another reason to eat. This is always a plus for me.

Let me share my story. I have been a registered dietitian for 27 years, and yet I learned about sports nutrition the hard way. I grew up dancing ballet. Dancers have their own ideas about nutrition. When I turned 40, I decided it was time to hang up my pointe shoes and tutu and take up running. This is where trouble began.

Very early into training for my first half-marathon, I realized that something was not going according to plan. My first impulse was to also hang up my running shoes and dismiss my troubles as me just being a “bad runner.” But I am determined and when I set my mind to something I am going to do it.

I decided to engage in my own medicine and began tracking and analyzing my eating in relationship to my training expectations. The results were staggering.I was eating too few calories, very little carbs, and was woefully deficient in vitamin C and iron, amongst other things. I am a quick learner. I made some adjustments to my own eating, ran that half-marathon (and many more after) and my quest began to learn as much about nutrition in relationship to various physical activities as possible.

GET STARTED. In a nutshell, here are my top three tips to get you started thinking about your own sports nutrition practices.

1. Meet your energy needs. All bodies require fuel and athletes need even more. The more you move, the more you need. Fuel demands are made up of your basic metabolic needs, daily activity, digestion and exercise. Most of us need a bit more fuel than we think we do. Consider getting your resting metabolic rate assessed. RMR is a measurement of how many calories a day your body needs as a bare minimum, just to breathe, digest, function and stay alive.

2. Don’t fear carbohydrates. Endurance athletes and athletes in the “push” phase of their training have a particularly high demand for carbs. Match your carb intake to the intensity of your activity. Choose quality carbs such as oatmeal, quinoa, brown and wild rice, beans, sweet potatoes, and the ancient grain farro.

3. Time your eating with your exercise. Strive to calorically balance your day, including energy expended during exercise. What you eat before, during and after exercise will help to maximize performance and improve recovery times.

You don’t have to be an elite athlete to benefit from applying the science of sports nutrition. Small changes and attentiveness to eating will surprise you with big changes in health, energy, stamina and performance.

If you are wondering how to get started, check out some of my favorite resources for athletes:

Visit a registered dietitian who specializes in sports dietetics. This professional will have an RD after his or her name, and sometimes CSSD.

Sign on to Nutritiming to see how it can help with personalized, specific information. The website is

Runner’s World Magazine is a valuable resource for training and nutritional information that applies to all athletes, not just runners.

Finally, move more, eat better. Eat better, move more. Enjoy.

Kimberly Evans, MS, RD, is co-owner of Peak Physical Therapy Sports and Performance Center in Williston and Whole Health Nutrition in South Burlington. She can be reached at or visit her website:



The steps to fitness for the everyday athlete are built upon habitual daily exercise and healthy choices in diet and lifestyle.

It’s time for us to sit down and have a heart to heart talk. There are things that need to be said and things that need to be heard. None of what follows is my personal opinion, but rather based on education, experience, training and practice. I have had the privilege of watching others grow in health, strength and vitality. We coexist with a health care crisis that begs solutions. As individuals, we have the opportunity to make a difference. To proactively maximize our own wellbeing is our right, responsibility and opportunity.

Much of what you read on the Active Vermont page has to do with sports. We speak of athletes, competition and training. We also speak of events and activities that invite the everyday participant. Today I address general fitness for the general population.

Here’s the bottom line, right up front: you need to exercise aerobically 5-6 days a week, strength train at least 2, clean up your diet, get enough sleep, be a contributing member of a community, and include the spiritual piece as a component of your overall health.

If you are one of those who groan at the very thought of exercise, if you consider exercise as punishment, GET OVER IT. Exercise is a privilege. It is time for you to focus on yourself away from the call of demanding voices. It is time for you, your health and your dreams, your present as well as your future, to take center stage and strip away the distractions of daily life. It’s just for a little while, but it is well worth it.

Common advice for new moms is to take care of self first or they will be unable to care for baby and family. This is not self-indulgent, it is imperative and, as I said, a privilege. If you don’t believe me, just speak with someone who experiences life from a wheelchair.

Have you marveled at the courage of adaptive skiers, cyclists motoring along on their hand-crank recumbents, returning vets who run marathone on prosthesis or happy Special Olympians? Yes, well, as I said, get over it and assume your rightful place in the active quest for fitness.

Those new to exercise often consider it a chore because they do not identify as athletes. Who is an athlete? It is easy to see that those who reach the Olympic games, Superbowl or World Series are athletes. I asked Nancy Clark, nationally recognized Registered Dietician, author and speaker, how her “Sports Nutrition Handbook,” applies to ordinary people who do not consider themselves athletes but simply exercise for health benefits. Her succinct reply was “If you exercise regularly, you are an athlete.” Perhaps taking your self-identification to the next level would give you a boost in attitude about your daily exercise.

Did I say 5-6 days a week? Yes I did. Do you have dozens of excellent excuses not to do so? Yes, I’m sure you do and I do understand. The alarm goes off too early and your head hits the pillow at night too late. You have work commitments to fulfill, kids to take to practices, chores to be done, people to care for, appointments to keep and maybe even a night out once in awhile. But you also have time to exercise.

I worked for someone who liked to say, “Oh, you don’t have time to exercise? Well you DO have time for a heart attack.”

Consider the importance of exercise. By now the relationship between exercise and disease is known and established. Exercise as preventive as well as curative (or at least helpful) with respect to mental and emotional conditions is equally well proven. If you want to know more, do the research. Or you could skip this step and just get active.

Make the distinction between purposeful exercise and lifestyle activity. The admonition to exercise 5-6 days per week means to deliberately follow a training program (your own or one suggested for you and your specific needs). This is dedicated time designed to increase your cardiovascular as well as muscular strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and energy level.

Note, if you are already exercising regularly, perhaps it is time to take it to the next level. Whether you are new to exercise or ramping up an existing program, you need to take preliminary steps.

Talk with your medical care provider. You need a green light before you begin or make changes. It may be the same in other states, but here in Vermont the medical community seems to be peopled by professionals who strongly support exercise and then practice what they promote in personal and athletic lifestyles.

Next you need to assess your current condition, define goals and plan the steps to reach those goals. You may need help. Join a gym, enroll in a class, hire a fitness consultant to help you structure a gradual but effective journey.

Aerobic exercise begins with a warm up and ends with a cool down. The common recommendation is for 45 minutes of continuous, methodical movement each day. At first the intensity may range from easy to moderate, but as fitness increases, so does intensity.

Mix it up. Vary the activity and the pace. Make one day a week a longer session. Include family or friends but keep going. The social benefits of a class encourage accountability and performance.

Show up at the gym before work or on your lunch hour if you must. You have your choice: elliptical, treadmill, stair climber, Spinner® bike, Concept2 rowing machine, and more. Which machine is the best? The one that you will use. So, use it.

Limited? Even those who are housebound, wheelchair bound, or walker bound can exercise. The growing field of physical therapy is opening doors that were once closed.

Once you have established the habit of exercise you are on your way and it’s time to strength train. The body is comprised of small, medium and large muscles that must be regularly put to the test against resistance. All healthy muscles gain strength and power over time when trained in balance and with proper technique. Injury can occur. Education is important. Do the research yourself or get professional help to learn the basics. Two alternate days a week of strength training is required to maintain and three days to increase.

It’s not all about exercise. Fitness is an equation. Exercise + Diet = Fitness.

DIET is, in fact, a 4-letter word. In many cases it is a bad word, a foul word, a damaging word. Use the Greek definition, “way of living,” or a more contemporary, “habitual nourishment,” and you’ll learn to respect it. Reduced to the lowest common concepts, a healthy diet is one that is varied, free of any and all processed foods, replete with fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and so on. An appropriate diet is also measured and devoid of excesses. Diet is based on choice. Choose to eat healthfully and it will become habitual. Replace old habits with new and you will default to the new.

Ultimately you will recognize the effects exercise will have on your body, energy and personality. You will find it easier to pick up the 50 lb bag of dog food, shovel the walk, climb the stairs and play with the kids. You will have a spring in your step and discover endurance as you navigate long meetings or late hours. You will look forward to your exercise time; it is the appointment with yourself that you must keep.

You will learn to choose foods that nourish rather than destroy. You will crave fresh, whole and clean ingredients that have begun to taste better to you than the processed meals of your past. You will fuel appropriately.

You will become more flexible, achieve balance physically and in your daily commitments, be more positive, less anxious and less fatigued.

You will look ahead at a future of possibilities. You will model for your children, grandchildren, neighbors and coworkers.

Exercise and nutrition may not protect you from the randomness, the sheer bad luck, of some diseases, but they can sure improve your odds.

The market is flooded with fitness advice. Avoid claims of a quick fix. Demand science. I have many fitness books on my shelves, but recently revisited the three below that I recommend.

A friend gave me a copy of “Younger Next Year for Women,” by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge, M.D. Because the cover is a very cute pink, I put it away without reading it until a trusted professional brought it up again. (There’s also “Younger Next Year,” the first book written, that is geared for men.) Read either. Just read it. It’s a decade old but science-based,90% relevant and 100% convincing.

John J. Ratey, MD presented ground-breaking work on the effect of exercise on the brain as well as stress, depression, ADHD, addiction, Alzheimers and a host of other current problems. By all means read “Spark, The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain,” (“Spark” was published in 2008. Ratey published a new book in 2014. My review copy is on the way and I’ll let you know more.)

Finally, “The Exercise Cure, A Doctor’s All-Natural, No-Pill Prescription for Better Health & Longer Life,” by Jordan D Metzl, MD (2013) presents many similar findings to the previous two books but adds exercise instructions and illustrations.

Metzl concludes: “May we all exercise for the next 100 years … and beyond.” Amen to that.