VIRTUAL FITNESS – Yes! It is possible! In fact, individual pursuits of fitness got a boost during these past years since Covid joined the party. Zoom has become a way of life and social media a means of connection. As we navigate our ways forward, we can use what has sifted down from these long months of pandemic-related lifestyle changes and take the next steps to help ourselves and each other along the road to wholeness.

Each of us responds to life’s goals and challenges in a different and very personal way. By now we all know that exercise is one of, if not THE most important thing we can do for our physical and mental health and well-being. There is simply too much science to back this up for us to ignore it. So, however we can include exercise in our daily lives, we must do it. So many of us were thrilled when studios and gyms reopened and in-person training returned as an option. But there are ever so many more ways to motivate ourselves to action – friends, events, and yes Zoom.  As the overworked Nike slogan says – JUST DO IT!

I invite you to fire up your physical and creative energies to find new and satisfying ways to enhance your personal fitness. In fact, I CHALLENGE you to do so!

Let me begin with what I do. Through LindaFreemanFitness, I teach classes on Zoom and I work one on one with clients live or by recording. I also take classes with my teachers, attend continuing ed trainings and workshops, and connect with colleagues. I am a Team Lead for Power Zone Pack challenges and value supporting my team. When we work within a virtual format, we have the advantages of convenience and privacy, What we may lack in physical interaction, we gain through an ever expanding network of like-minded individuals. We share in safety and learn in community.

Let me give you examples:

>a few clients prefer 30 minute Yoga or conditioning practices and prefer for me to film these and send them the recordings to do when they like.  Some prefer 60-90 minutes.

>others prefer the class commitment – I send out a notice when a new series of classes is about to begin and ask for prepayment and preregistration. This includes the option to join live or, since I record each class and send the link to the recording to everyone registered, the option to do the practice later and/or save the practice in your library to do at any time. This has proven to be a popular model.

Bottom line:  I encourage you to find whatever means you can to enhance your own fitness and to commit to a program you will stick with. After all, the “best” form of exercise is the one that you will do!

If you would like to connect with me, please contact me. For the moment, the best way to do so is to find me on FB and ask to join my private FB group, PERSONAL WISDOM. I look forward to talking with you and helping you on your journey to health, strength and well-being.


Note: If you would like to read more about Personal Training, look under the tab LIBRARY.